Exercise Cobra Warrior 23-2 involved more than 50 aircraft from 6 allied countries – Canada, USA, Italy, Norway, Australia and the UK, along with a NATO aircraft – working together to support a fictional country in conflict to regain sovereign territory. "The intent of Exercise Cobra Warrior was to bring allied forces together in order to enhance our ability to work collaboratively on demanding missions, in dynamic threat environments, by day and night. The Exercise met all of its objectives and I am pleased to say was a resounding success" according a senior RAF officer. RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire became a temporary home for CF-188 Hornet fighter jets from the Royal Canadian Air Force with equipment and personnel delivered by a C17 Globemaster. They were supported by air-to-air refuelling from their CC-150 Polaris aircraft staying at RAF Lossiemouth in north Scotland. Waddington also welcomed a NATO E-3A Airborne Warning & Control System (AWACS) to manage large areas of battlespace and provide surveillance and communications.