On April the 6th 2017 I had the opportunity to join a refuel flight again with a Dutch KDC-10 from 334 Squadron. With aircraft nbr T-235, using callsign "Texaco 41", we took off from its homebase Eindhoven around 09:00 local time heading north. We climbed to FL220, headed towards the designated refuel track where we refueled 2 Dutch F-16AM's, 2 Belgium F-16AM's, 4 Portugese F-16's and 4 US Air National Guard F-15C's. Thereafter the fighters continued their Frisian Flag mission above the North Sea while we returned to Eindhoven Air Base, touching down around 11:00hrs. A great experience, thanks to the men and women of 334 Squadron and especially the boomoperators and flightcrew of T-235 this day!