On April the 13th 2016 I had the opportunity to join a refuel flight with a Dutch KDC-10 from 334 Squadron. With aircraft nbr T-264, using callsign "Texaco 31", we took off runway 03 at its homebase Eindhoven around 13:00 local time heading north. We climbed to FL280, headed towards the designated 'Shell' refuel track where we refueled 2 x 4 Dutch F-16AM' from the Leeuwarden based 323 Sqn. Thereafter the Vipers continued their Frisian Flag mission above the North Sea while we returned to Eindhoven Air Base, touching down runway 21 around 16:00hrs. A great experience, thanks to the men and women of 334 Squadron and especially the boomoperators and flightcrew of T-264 this day!